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Monday, April 8, 2013


Your Role
___Efficiency Expert
Your Impressions

 Guiding questions and charts for student and groups to follow

 Possibly a little more group activity, overall seemed good

 very organized. each member of the group had clear tasks
 could let students choose some of their own links to research


 I like that it included an individual and group reflection of the project

 doesn't specify division of tasks clearly
Foreign Country

 i like the idea of a contest, a group contest would be best

 no collaboration, a group project would have been a richer learning experience
Waves & Sound

 looks like a good project overall and could be easily tweaked to allow group learning

 no collaboration, a group project would have been a richer learning experience

Bernie Dodge, Department of Educational Technology, SDSU

My impressions:
I liked the Shakespeare and Gorilla Webquests the best because there was good collaboration among the students. The tasks were organized and each person had a clear role.

The two I liked the least were the Foreign Country and Waves and Sound because there was no student collaboration at all. These were geared toward individual learning.

Group impressions:
We liked Shakespeare and Foreign Country. They each had different elements that could be tweaked however both were more well rounded than the others.
Shakespeare - was not good from an efficiency standpoint because there was just too much involved, and redundant. If there were less projects to do, it would be a great project overall.
Foreign Country - was good from most standpoints except there was no student collaboration. If it were tweaked to add group participation, this would also be a great overall project.

We didn't like Waves and Sound because it was like a textbook, there was no collaboration and aside from some good images, the content was boring.

We also didn't like Earthquake. It was somewhat ok for each of us, kind of lukewarm to it.

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